bush craft course
Rustic Armchairs
Bridge Meadows, Springhill, Widdington, Essex CB11 3SU
Cost £137.50
9th, 10th, 11th
15th, 16th
28th, 29th or 30th
14th, 15th, 16th  
2nd, 3rd, 4th
16th, 17th, 18th

Later dates to be confirmed. October marks the end of the courses season. Subscribe to our newsletter (see above left) to receive updates. Please remember very often my courses are run on demand: pick a date, contact me via email and let's see if it works for both parties.

About the instructor
As a result of my passion for the various coppice crafts I have amassed a huge range of tools and devices, some old, most weird & intriguing and very satisfying to use. I also have the expertise which I enjoy passing on to others of all ages and abilities.

During 2008 I trained as a bushcraft instructor and the most valuable lesson I learnt was how to pass knowledge and skills on in a fun, sociable, inclusive and collaborative way.

I am also a qualified first aider.

Food and drink
Tea and coffee are available at breaks, both morning and afternoon with biscuits and cake provided to keep up energy levels. Unless otherwise stated please bring a packed lunch with you.

General information
Materials are included unless otherwise stated - see individual course details. We use predominantly hazel as we have a plentiful supply. Its coppiced or cut back to the stump every 12 years or so in a continuous cycle stretching back hundreds of years in Great Hales Wood National Nature Reserve. The wood is managed by Natural England, it is an ancient wood and is particularly valuable for its wild flowers such as Oxlip, herb paris, orchids (which flower after coppicing) as well as being a home to numerous mammals, birds and insects. As all the tree species we cut re grow from the stump we are guaranteed a continuous sustainable source of material.

The Nature Reserve is privately owned and there is strictly no public access at all times aaprt from scheduled courses and visits authorised by Natural England for education purposes.

Dates for guided tours to be confirmed.

Sadly we cannot accomodate dogs or pets of any kind in the reserve or in the rest of Hales Wood but you can bring them to the workshop.

We run a continuous programme of courses - but there are sometimes long pauses for development or to avoid the worst weather in winter. To be kept in the picture and receive email updatessubscribe via the news page.




We run rustic chair/bench/throne/arbour courses throughout the year but mainly in the summer months.


Some specific 'dates' are suggested here that usually satisfy 'solo' students and these generally fill up to a maximum of four people. However I only need two people to run a basic armchair course, in which case it may be easier to pick any Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday (perhaps give me couple of dates, in order of preference) contact me direct and I will promptly let you know if we can book that day specifically for you.


An exclusive day for two people making an item of furniture each costs £300.00 for both all inclusive (the same as my one-to-one fee)


The price drops to £275.00 (£137.50 each) for both on an open course, when other students (max 4 in all) may book on as well.


New Venue


My new venue - Bridge Meadows, is a lovely green field on the outskirts of Widdington, where we have established a base. At the moment it is home to four rescue donkeys, my workshop is housed in the 'wagon' pictured below and the courses are run adjacent under canvas for shade/shelter.

gift_tokenIf you would like to buy a course as a present simply email us stating the course and date. I will send you posthaste a lovely picture postcard of ancient coppice woodland with the voucher printed on the back, on receipt of a cheque. Further details >


Book today >


Group Bookings >

If you can organise 4 people to come along on a weekday, we offer 20% off! 10% off for 3.



Coppice Designs Newsletter

Sign up for the newsletter to receive details of course dates and other events from Coppice Designs. (Email addresses never shared with any other organisation.)


Rustic armchairs, rustic thrones

We pick out different curves, kinks and forks for you to bring together and create a unique rustic chair for your house and garden. Includes chairs, chairs 'with knobs on' and rustic benches.
Further information >

Rustic benches

Two people can make a bench between them, a great project and complete in a day.
Further information >

A living willow chair

Make your own unique rustic armchair, from fresh, bendy, green willow, with two expert teachers.
Further information >

One-to-one tuition

My wealth of experience in the coppice trades, from harvesting to creating finished products, enables me to offer a very high level of tuition in my own workshop on a one-to-one basis or for a small group (up to two) in any of the skills you see on this website. These are tailored not to the 'toe dipping brigade' but to those that need a serious in depth level of tuition that is not possible in large groups. By the very nature this tuition is tailored to meet your individual needs. Please call me to discuss, without any obligation, your requirement.




This two day course that specifically examines the theory and practicalities of this clean and economical method of charcoal production for home use, forging or re-sale.
Further information >


This five-day course is designed to give participants an understanding of the methods, tools and techniques involved in managing and generating an income from coppiced woodlands.
Further information >

Garden hurdles

Using willow, we will weave a variety of different garden items, from plant supports to border hurdles.
Further information>

Garden trellis and plant supports, obelisks etc

Using natural forks, twists and bends we can create wonderful individual plant trellis and supports for any situation - gorgeous hoops, bows and bends to elaborate on natures themes.
Further information>

Stick making

One day course we will plunge straight in - gloves on and play around with freshly steamed hazel to experience bending and straightening firsthand.
Further information >

Stick baskets

A one day course combining willow weaving and stickmaking- make your own blackberry picking and apple harvesting walking sticks.
Further information >

Tool maintenance

Principally aimed at private individuals who wish to use the traditional woodland tools of axe, billhook and saw who are frustrated by blunt, poorly maintained edge tools.
Further information >



Bridge Meadows, Springhill, Widdington, Essex CB11 3SU

Location is field opposite and due south of Shipton Bridge Farm



Hales Wood, Walden Road, Ashdon, Essex





Please consult the local Tourist Information in Saffron Walden and also Air B&B.




If you are contemplating coming some distance and would rather camp the night before or after the course, this is possible. Email us for details.


We have a fantastic pub in the village The Fleur de Lys - booking essential for meals.